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Increase in registration tax: “We are against it,” says the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal

The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal (CCMM) opposes the nearly 150% increase in the registration tax voted by the Metropolitan Community of Montreal with the aim of financing public transportation.

• Read also: 154% increase on registration: “They are scavengers!” exclaims Luc Lavoie

• Read also: Registration tax of $150: “There were other means,” says a mayor

• Read also: More than doubled: the registration tax will increase to $150 in greater Montreal

In a press release issued Monday, the CEO of the CCMM, Michel Leblanc, denounced this “easy solution” which, according to him, does not take into account the “already too heavy tax burden” of residents and businesses in greater Montreal.

“Last year, the CMM made a shock move with an increase of 31%, in the midst of inflation, to make up for the non-indexation since 2011,” says Mr. Leblanc.

“Although abrupt, this increase could be justified,” he adds. On the other hand, the tripling voted for by the CMM is not a reasonable solution.”

He therefore asks decision-makers to “go back to the drawing board”.

“City employees are paid on average 36% more than their counterparts in the Quebec government,” continues Mr. Leblanc. This represents an additional amount of $723 million in 2024. In this context, increasing taxes should be a tool of last resort.”

The mayors of the Montreal Metropolitan Community indicate that they were “forced” to adopt this increase last Wednesday, which increases this tax from $59 to $150 as of January 1, 2025.



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