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Bad buzz, “Hérisson Gate” by Jacqueline Galant and surprise among the Engagés: here is the summary of the political news of the week

Campaign notebook in negotiations version, 12th episode. On the menu: a PS sympathizer who congratulates Iran, killer red lights, Committed deputies who want to extend the abortion deadline, the extension of the LEZ in Brussels and a Media Minister accused of lying around a file of clippers and hedgehogs.

D-7 before the municipal elections. And our political figures have been firing in all directions this week.

On networks, attacks follow one another

Some stink balls are thrown by competitors, like Shazia Aslam, former PS candidate in Molenbeek (in 2018), presented as still a candidate… when not. However, certain elements – such as the mention “PS Brussels” – are causing trouble in a video supporting Iran published on the social network TikTok.

Another video published by Team Fouad Ahidar did not go unnoticed. We see a candidate campaigning in a real police car.

Another publication surprised more than one: that of Emel Dogancanil, candidate for Schaerbeek, who talks about insecurity in the town and the “red lights that want to kill us” when they are not synchronized with the arrival of ‘a tram…

The surprise of the week among the Engagés

The future Arizona coalition has decided to block the vote on any new text in the chamber until the government is formed. This concerns in particular the vote for the extension of the abortion period to 18 weeks.

This issue will come back to the negotiation and then to the House and that day, the former Christian Democrats of the PSC-CDH who have become the committed ones, could well be more progressive than conservative. “Very clearly, those involved in the issue of abortion will have complete freedom of vote and opinion”indicated Maxime Prévot. “On ethical issues, this is a clear line from the Engagés, and the majority of them have told me that they will support extending the deadline to 18 weeks.”

The lie of the week, by Jacqueline Galant

Jacqueline Galant (MR), Minister of Media, is also campaigning for the municipal elections. This week she denounced the ideas of environmentalists. “In fact, environmentalists have a policy that is quite particular”she declared on Bel RTL. “They don’t realize the citizens’ priorities. It’s true that the mayor of Enghien (Ecolo) had a genius idea, which was to send the police to monitor the electric mowers at night to see if they were well extinct and that they did not kill hedgehogs”she said before adding: “I find it scandalous to ask police officers to take on these tasks, they must be there at the service of the population, to keep it safe.”

The question was asked to the police… who deny it. “I’ve never been asked that.”assures the head of the Sylle and Dendre police zone which takes care of the commune of Enghien. The mayor of the town accuses Jacqueline Galant of lying. Clarification: the union of towns and municipalities has been recommending for several years that municipalities adopt a regulation to prohibit night mowing. Its president was MR Maxime Daye. It is now Pierre Huart, also still MR.

The postponement of the LEZ in Brussels

The Brussels parliament passed the postponement of the Low Emission Zone, or LEZ.

The MR (and Open VLD), the PS, Les Engagés, the PTB, Team Fouad Ahidar and Vlaams Belang voted for the two-year postponement of the Low Emission Zone for Euro 5 vehicles. These cars will therefore still be able to run until January 1, 2027.

Groen, Ecolo and Défi voted against. The N-VA, Vooruit and the CD&V abstained. An omen of the difficulties in finding a majority agreement in Brussels?

politics municipal elections 2024 Campaign diary


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