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Press release from the Council of Ministers of September 18, 2024

At the beginning of his communication, the President of the Republic expressed his satisfaction with the good organization of the Maouloud festival which was celebrated in excellent conditions throughout the national territory. He thanked the general Khalifs, the religious guides and the entire Muslim community of Senegal for the fervent prayers formulated for a Senegal of peace, stability and prosperity in justice and solidarity.

He congratulated the Government, the Prime Minister, the Minister of the Interior and Public Security, the Ministers involved, all the Defense and Security Forces and the State services which enabled the 2024 edition of Maouloud to run smoothly.

The Head of State highlighted the religious fact which is a reality in Senegal, which stands as a leading economic, social, cultural and educational activity. He mentioned the need for the State, more than in the past, to analyze this global dynamic of religious festivals and ceremonies. The State must thus work, with respect for worship and in light of its possibilities, to support religious organizations and centers in their diversity and specificity.

Returning to the dissolution of the National Assembly, the Head of State highlighted the need for better preparation for the proper organization of the early legislative elections scheduled for Sunday, November 17, 2024. He informed the Council that he had issued two decrees convening the electorate and allocating the seats of the deputies to be elected by departmental majority vote. He therefore asked the Government to take all measures to ensure the proper conduct of the election for Senegalese voters established on the national territory and those residing abroad.

Furthermore, the President of the Republic invited the Minister of the Interior and Public Security, in charge of elections, to initiate consultations with the Autonomous National Electoral Commission (CENA), political actors and the organizations involved in order to share all technical, administrative and financial information relating to the early legislative elections on Sunday, November 17, 2024. He also asked the Minister in charge of elections to deploy a vast communication campaign among political actors and the public to clarify, in a transparent manner, the rules for organizing the poll and conducting the electoral campaign.

The tragedy of Mbour, experienced last week, revealed the complexity of the problem of illegal emigration, maintained by well-organized networks, real traffickers of human beings and merchants of illusions who must be punished by Justice according to the level of their acts. This is why the President of the Republic urged the Prime Minister to strengthen, with the competent Ministers, all preventive, security and coercive measures to combat the departure of migrants from the national territory.

The Head of State also stressed the urgency of strategic supervision by the Prime Minister of the interministerial mechanism for combating irregular migration and a review of the national framework for the management and operational coordination of activities to prevent and combat irregular migration, by strengthening early warning, collaboration with populations, awareness-raising and communication, particularly among young people. In view of the root causes of the development of this illicit activity in recent years, he asked the Prime Minister to initiate, as soon as possible, with all stakeholders, inclusive national consultations on irregular migration with a view to adjusting our national strategy to combat this issue.

The President of the Republic invited the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance and Budget to implement a special budgetary program “Prevention and fight against irregular migration”.

The Head of State discussed the floods and the State’s assistance to the victims. He presented the Nation’s condolences to the grieving families. He asked the Government to take all urgent measures to organize relief and deploy national solidarity with the disaster-stricken populations throughout the national territory.

Referring to the 22nd anniversary of the sinking of the Joola boat scheduled for September 26, 2024 in Ziguinchor and Dakar, the President of the Republic recalled that it constitutes the greatest tragedy that our country has known. He invited the Prime Minister to take all arrangements for the commemoration of this painful event in concert with the families of the victims.
Speaking about the success of the “first Senegal Spatial Day” and the strategic importance of scientific and technical research, the Head of State congratulated the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the entire university community, researchers and the GaindeSat team for the success of the National Day celebrating the launch of Senegal’s first satellite, organized on Friday, September 13, 2024.

Finally, as part of his diplomatic agenda, the President of the Republic informed the Council that he will travel to New York, United States, from September 22 to 26, 2024, to participate in the Summit of the Future and the United Nations General Assembly.

In his communication, the Prime Minister presented to the Council the validation agenda for the new Framework for Social Economic Policies 2025-2050 and its variations in a Master Plan 2025-2034 and a Five-Year Plan 2025-2029. In this regard, he recalled the different stages of the process of developing the Framework, highlighting the consultations carried out in particular with the private sector and civil society to gather their opinions and comments on the documents developed. These documents will be submitted to the President of the Republic with a view to their adoption and publication.

The Prime Minister then discussed the decisions resulting from the interministerial meeting, held this Tuesday, September 17, 2024, devoted to the impact of water stress and flooding during this winter on crops, homes and infrastructure, particularly roads.

The major decisions taken are, among other things, focused on the exhaustive census of the impacted farms and the due diligence to be implemented to address the risk of food insecurity in the affected areas at the level of certain departments of the country. With regard to floods, the improvement of warning and response systems as well as the strengthening of inter-state cooperation within the OMVS and the OMVG in terms of hydrological monitoring were notably retained.

In view of the recurrence of water stress and floods, the Prime Minister informed the Council of the establishment, within the Prime Minister’s Office, of a Standing Committee comprising all stakeholders in order to ensure the required synergies and the effective management of the measures adopted.

Finally, the Prime Minister addressed the nagging issue of the prolonged restructuring of public and parapublic companies in difficulty. In order to speed up the processing of these files, he considered it necessary to revitalize the Interministerial Committee for Monitoring and Restructuring of Public and Parapublic Companies established within the Prime Minister’s Office.
In this context, he asked the Minister of Finance and Budget, in conjunction with the Minister, Secretary General of the Government, to take appropriate measures to ensure the regular functioning of the said Committee.


 The Minister of Hydraulics and Sanitation provided an update on the weekly situation of flood management;

 The Minister of Fisheries, Port and Maritime Infrastructures took stock of the implementation of the decisions from the Special Interministerial Council on Maritime and Port Infrastructures.


The Council examined and adopted:
 The Draft Decree relating to quarters and the duration of holidays and vacations in schools, establishments and daaras for the 2024-2025 school year.


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