Death of a man at the Bayonne Festival 2023: who was Patrice Lanies, the victim?

Death of a man at the Bayonne Festival 2023: who was Patrice Lanies, the victim?
Death of a man at the Bayonne Festival 2023: who was Patrice Lanies, the victim?

The man killed on the evening of the opening of the Bayonne Festival on Wednesday July 26 was called Patrice Lanies. The individuals suspected of having killed him are still at large. A tribute was paid to the victim on Friday evening in Bayonne.

After nine days of artificial coma, the man violently beaten on the first evening of the Bayonne Festival, Wednesday July 26, died Thursday. Patrice Lianes was 46 years old.

This resident of small Bayonne was returning home around 10:30 p.m. when he surprised an individual urinating on the entrance to his building. He asked them to stop urinating so he could go home. The man and his two friends then beat him. The 40-year-old received a very violent blow to the head which caused a cerebral hemorrhage. The individuals fled.

A 46-year-old engineer

Originally from Agen, Patrice Lianes had been a quality engineer at OpenClassrooms, an online training website, since December 2020. He had settled in Bayonne where he lived alone before the Covid-19 pandemic. According to his Linkedin page, he had previously worked in the Paris region in Boulogne-Billancourt, Pantin and Levallois-Perret. He was known in the computer community of QA/Testers since he was one of the organizers of the “Paris Test Conf” whose next edition is scheduled for October.

“A nice guy, simple and true”

Eyes reddened, throat knotted, several of his friends pay homage to him. Karim, a friend for fifteen years, described in South West “a big teddy bear, he always had a nice word”. Guillaume remembers a “spontaneous, balanced and attentive” person. Someone “listening and observant sometimes a little behind but always present”, details Géraldine. The owner of the restaurant “Le Bayonnais” above which Patrice lived describes a “nice, simple, frank and true guy” who was “a fine specimen and a good handyman”. The emotion was strong Friday evening in front of the town hall of Bayonne where 300 people paid tribute to Patrice Lanies and said “no to violence during the holidays”.

His alleged murderers still at large

The police released the robot portrait of the man suspected of having killed Patrice Lanies as well as the description of his accomplices. She asks anyone who has taken photos or filmed the quai des Corsaires and rue Marsan in Bayonne, on Wednesday July 26 between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m., to send them to her. At the same time, the city’s CCTV images are being analyzed to find the attackers. So that justice can finally be done for Patrice, who died on a festive evening, simply for wanting to go home.




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