Dakar, Jan 24 (APS) – The deputies, gathered in plenary, started examining the conclusions of the ad hoc committee of the National Assembly responsible for deciding on the request for the lifting of parliamentary immunity from the parliamentary immunity from the National Assembly of the National Assembly of the National Assembly. MP Mouhamadou Ngom dit Farba.
The ad hoc committee instituted to audition Mouhamadou Ngom, deputy for the Takku parliamentary group Wallu Senegal (opposition), had submitted its conclusions earlier this week.
This commission is made up of eleven members, namely nine deputies parliamentary group Pastef Les Patriotes, one from the Takku Wallu group and a representative of non-inscribed.
The president of the parliamentary group Takku Wallu (opposition), Aïssata Tall Sall, said on Tuesday that she decided not to associate with the work of the said commission, as a protest against the fact of not having received the documents of File relating to this procedure for the lifting of parliamentary immunity from Mr. Ngom of which she assured the defense.
-The Keeper of the Seals, seized by the financial prosecution, wrote to the National Assembly to request the lifting of parliamentary immunity from Farba Ngom, as part of an investigation into suspicious activities of money laundering whose value is value Provisionally estimated at more than 125 billion CFA francs.