Thursday January 23, the prefecture and the SDIS of Marne announced the death of a Marne firefighter which occurred during the day. Sergeant Clément Vilnet, 35, died following a cardio-respiratory arrest that occurred four days earlier.
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The Marne firefighters lost one of their members on Thursday January 23. Sergeant Clément Vilnet, assigned to the mixed fire and rescue center (CISM) of Reims Marchandeau, died at the age of 35.
Sad news announced in a joint press release by the prefect of Marne, Henri Prevost, and the president of the board of directors of the departmental fire and rescue service of Marne, Philippe Salmon.
-Monday January 20, he suffered a cardio-respiratory arrest during a guard sports session. “Quickly taken care of by a rescue and victim assistance vehicle and the SMUR, he was transferred in serious condition to the university hospital center (CHU) of Reims”, explain the prefecture and SDIS 51. Despite several days of treatment, he died this Thursday.
In a civil partnership and father of two children aged 6 and 2, Clément Vilnet had been working at the SDIS de la Marne for more than thirteen years. A career that began as a volunteer firefighter in June 2011, at the fire and rescue center (CIS) in Dormans then at the CIS in Cumières.
In parallel with this career, he also worked at the Paris fire brigade (BSPP) between 2012 and 2018. After his success in the professional firefighter competition (SPP), he joined the CISM of Reims Witry in November 2018 then the CISM of Epernay in March 2019. He had been working at the CISM of Reims Marchandeau since October 2022.
“All the staff of the SDIS de la Marne share the pain of his wife, his children, his family and his loved ones and send them their most sincere condolences”, concludes the press release.
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