This Wednesday, January 22, in a long speech published on her Instagram account, Cindy Fabre announced – to everyone's surprise – her departure from the Miss France committee.after three intense and incredibly rewarding years“. “I would have loved to continue carrying out this mission that is so close to my heart, but sometimes life invites us to rewrite our path. […] I leave with a heart filled with gratitude for these unforgettable moments, these memorable encounters and your unwavering support.“, she announced, with a heavy heart. Questioned about this departure by our colleagues from Paris MatchFrédéric Gilbert (the president of the Miss France company) revealed extensive details on the subject.
“It's complicated”: the president of the Miss France committee speaks about the departure of Cindy Fabre
According to revelations made by Frédéric Gilbert, the departure of Cindy Fabre from the Miss France committee was inevitable. For good reason, the former beauty queen's contract ended on December 31. “Cindy would have liked to continue, and so did we, but this framework was complicated for everyone.“, he said initially. Before continuing: “We laid everything out, questioning the scope of the responsibilities attached to this position and the observation is that as it stands, despite the adjustments we have been able to make in three years, it is complicated.“But following this sudden announcement, a question arises: will Cindy Fabre be replaced? For the moment, this is not planned. Frédéric Gilbert is giving himself.”6 months, one year” to find someone.
Angélique Angarni-Filopon: is her reign impacted by the departure of Cindy Fabre?
Will the reign of Angélique Angarni-Filopon, elected on December 14, be impacted by the departure of Cindy Fabre? This is a question that our colleagues from the Parisian. And according to their revelations, everything suggests that this will not be the case. For good reason, unlike the times when Geneviève de Fontenay accompanied the Misses during all their appearances, this is no longer the case because “the protocol around the reigning Miss France has evolved somewhat.“As a result, the latest beauty queens, like Ève Gilles, were able to perform”most of their releases alone, particularly in the media and in the regions.”