The Gard economy is feverish but the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is making the effort to be as close as possible to the most vulnerable businesses.
Many Gard businesses no longer see a bright future. Their leaders took risks, did not anticipate, can no longer pay salaries… In short, there are problems and 2025 will be a tough year.
While waiting for Wednesday January 29 at 6 p.m. and best wishes to Paloma, the CCI via its president Éric Giraudier speaks… “ I'm not in the habit of being the bird of ill omen, but I'm not in the habit of burying my head in the sand either. The goal is to be as close as possible to businesses by supporting them. We took strong action during the Covid period, but there, the virus is more economical, especially since the dissolution of the National Assembly. »
The CCI observes a clear stop in investments, a business economy which seems fragile and a certain lack of visibility and financial security. Tensions on short-term credits, tensions with suppliers, “ the situation is complicated… »
And President Giraudier continued: “ In 2024 the number of business failures is record. We said to ourselves, locally and within our scope of action around the 50,000 Gard companies, that we could act collectively. It's important! Support systems exist but there is a gap between what is offered and the needs of businesses. »
Indeed, companies may be similar but each has its own specificities. So the CCI wants to avoid the worst. Business leaders who hide their eyes, those who do not want to see, those who do not see, those who are afraid to see…
« With our tools and while remaining confidential and anonymous, of course, we can detect companies in difficulty or in any case make a diagnosis of their state by cross-referencing several indicators including a self-diagnostic questionnaire. Afterwards, we will direct them to the right device through a physical appointment from mid-February. We reactivate the right solutions. »
This is the “CCI Business Monitoring” system. Jean-Marie Albouy, president of the Commercial Court for a few more days, has his expertise. He joins the team after 16 years of prevention in this area and extensive experience at the Nîmes TC. Last year, the TC's prevention unit dealt with 110 cases of Gard companies, but in total, the TC dealt with 606 cases, including 561 for companies with fewer than five employees, including 533 with a turnover less than 750,000 euros. Below this bar, we go under the radar of the Banque de France.
-This liability still represents more than 65 million euros! This is why a monitoring unit will be set up by the CCI via the Information and Prevention Committee (CIP) of companies and the goodwill who join the operation.
The targeted companies will be contacted and, at their discretion, will enter the dance or not. “ You have to deal with the problem as it happens, as early as possible. With the CIP, there will also be lawyers and accountants to provide more detailed guidance. »
For Jean-Marie Chabaud, Gard but national president of the Business Information and Prevention Committee: “ We are reaching ceilings not reached since 2010, the 2024 figures are quite worrying. Businesses are a little bigger than in the past and they weigh more on the economy. The observation is that we are unable to bring in businesses to help them with their difficulties. People have real restraint about going to the Commercial Court to talk about their problem… We need to demystify all of this because we don't always have to go through that. »
Misplaced pride, open wound, status to maintain, the reasons are diverse but business leaders die in silence. However, their employees and their creditors must not undergo this management. “ Procedures can be applied, there is no taboo! The CIP is relaunched, everything is free, confidential, anonymous. The sooner we treat, the sooner we resolve »
For the team, this will involve contacting 20 to 25% of Gard companies. Among them, and if they go through the right process, some could get through it. And we are not yet talking about another large-scale problem which is coming hard, the repayments of loans guaranteed by the State… There are 37 billion euros in France which will have to be repaid in two years.
« The first half of 2025 will be decisive because all sectors are affected », Adds the president of the CCI. Éric Giraudier also returned to the progress of the Gard 2030 economic forecast. Supported by the economic players and the driving forces of the territory, Gard 2030 will deliver a vision of the economic development of the territory by 2030.
« The objective will be to identify the issues in Gard seen by Gard businesses. It's open to everyone, the goal is to have as much material as possible for the medium term. The restitution is scheduled for June 16 for the inauguration of the Company House. »