Anti-Semitic acts in still at “historic” level in 2024

Anti-Semitic acts in still at “historic” level in 2024
Anti-Semitic acts in France still at “historic” level in 2024

Crif published its annual report this Wednesday.

1,570 anti-Semitic acts were recorded in 2024 compared to 1,676 the previous year, according to the compiled data.

Figures in very slight decline which remain at a “historic” level.

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A truce agreement in Gaza finally reached

After more than 15 months, the massacres perpetrated by Hamas on October 7 and the war in the Middle East continue to be a “powerful catalyst” of anti-Semitism. According to the report published by the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of (Crif) this Wednesday, January 22, 1,570 anti-Semitic acts were recorded in 2024, barely less than the 1,676 recorded in 2023. A phenomenon that is not drying up.

Three times more acts than in 2022

“For the second year in a row, we are facing a historic number of anti-Semitic acts”underlined Crif in this report compiling figures recorded by the Jewish Community Protection Service and the Ministry of the Interior. If they represent a slight drop of 6.3% over one year (new window)it remains very high, the year 2022 having seen a “explosion” attacks against the Jewish community after October 7. For comparison, 436 anti-Semitic acts were recorded in 2022 and for a decade, they fluctuated between 311 and 851 per year. This is why, in the eyes of Yonathan Arfi, the president of Crif, “October 7 served as a global call for anti-Semitic action”.

Last year, “some acts were extremely violent”underlines the report, recalling the attempted fire at the La Grande-Motte synagogue in August, (new window) the fire of the synagogue in May and the rape of a 12-year-old Jewish child in mid-June in , a suburb. “One of the particularities of the phenomenon is that 65% of these acts are attacks on people”summarizes Yonathan Arfi. Out of a total of 1,024, the majority of these attacks on people involved threatening words or gestures and 106 consisted of physical violence. The 546 attacks on property were mainly anti-Semitic inscriptions and damage (88).

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The report also emphasizes “the theme of Palestine and anti-Israeli rhetoric” which are qualified as “catalysts of anti-Semitic acts and responsible for a climate of hostility towards Jews”. Thus, 30% of the acts recorded last year were “explicit reference to the question of Palestine”according to this report. Speaking to AFP, the head of the association regrets that now certain French people, identified as Jews, “find themselves threatened, in the name of the conflict which serves as a pretext for acts of violence”. A phenomenon which does not diminish as the conflict lasts, and which must be heard “like a warning signal”alerts the association.

FS with AFP




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