change of command to the DGA Missile tests

change of command to the DGA Missile tests
change of command to the DGA Missile tests

The DGA-EM (Directorate General for Armament-Missile Testing) site, bringing together the Landes, and Levant sites, changed management on Thursday January 16. During a protocol ceremony organized on the Place d'Honneur, in Biscarrosse, the general armament engineer (IGA) Corinne Lopez passed the torch to her successor, the IGA Olivier Borde, now in charge of the 'entity.

In the presence of numerous military and territorial authorities, notably Françoise Tahéri, prefect of Landes, Stéphanie Monteuil, secretary general of the prefecture and Hélène Larrezet, mayor and departmental councilor of Biscarrosse, Corinne Lopez presented Labor Medals to agents techniques of the DGA-EM and she decorated auxiliary dogs of the armament gendarmerie.

“Full boxes”

During the reception, Corinne Lopez commented at length on an audiovisual document collating the technical operations of ballistic missile tests carried out successfully, under her supervision during her five years as director of the DGA.EM, which celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of her existence in 2022. “Full boxes” said the woman who is preparing to take the reins of the DGA Expertise Directorate at the Ministry of Defense and who added these words in the expression of his wishes to all his collaborators: “We have gone through a long race of endurance and obstacles and we have demonstrated great collective resilience during Covid and confinement. I experienced a beautiful human adventure with you. Strive for excellence and openness to the world and take care of yourself and others.”


In his wake, the new site director, GA Olivier Borde has set the objectives and challenges of his roadmap, focusing on the optimization and security of the strategic and operational workload plan in a context of permanent anticipation and proportionate reactivity in the face of the cyclical risks of globalized geopolitical conflicts.



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