Swiss Press Club
Wednesday February 5, 2025
12:15 p.m. at the Maison de la communication, 1 av. from Florimont, Lausanne
online conference
On the eve of the 21st edition of the Media week at schools in French-speaking Switzerlandwhich takes place from February 10 to 14, 2025 on the theme “Inform without distorting”, the Swiss Press Club and the CFJM in Lausanne take stock of:
Media education: big ambitions, few means?
With the participation of
-- Tania He caughtProducer RTS Découverte
- Pascal CrittinDirector of RTS and co-president of Use The News
- Christian GeorgesCIIP scientific collaborator, coordinator of School Media Week
- Mark SpillmanDirector of the Swiss office of Use The News
Welcome by Marc-Henri Jobin, director of the CFJM. Round table moderated by Isabelle Falconnier, director of the Swiss Press Club.
In our digital information society, knowing how to use media is just as important as learning to read, write and calculate. At a time when Meta and Who are the main players today in French-speaking Switzerland? With what means, what results? Is it up to the media, schools, politicians or parents to provide media education? How is the link between young audiences and the press evolving? How to transpose media education for young people to an adult audience? How can we finally enable citizens and future citizens to be active and capable of understanding the difference between a secure source and an unsafe source?