new nighttime closures planned

new nighttime closures planned
new nighttime closures planned

The work to modernize the Cointe tunnel, which required one week of nighttime closure per month until the end of 2024, should normally have been completed at the end of December. It was planned that this E25-E40/A602 motorway connection, still currently limited to 50 km/h, could increase to 80 km/h at night and off-peak hours (with a maximum of 60 km/h for heavy goods vehicles).

“I hope that it will be operational as soon as possible in 2025,” said Walloon Minister François Desquesnes.

But we will probably have to wait until summer to hope to see the measure applied. Héloïse Winandy, spokesperson for Sofico, indicates in the DH that there is a delay in the installation of dynamic signaling which should guarantee optimal security on the link. As the only offer received in the public market for this equipment was too expensive, a new market was relaunched.

The installation is now planned…. for the months of February and March. Which will require 4 additional nights of the connection from Monday February 10 to Friday February 14. In March, the so-called classic quarterly closure, from the 10th to the 14th, then from Monday the 17th to Friday the 21st, should make it possible to fix the system. This must be followed by validation by the emergency services, then the Walloon government will only be able to decide on the adaptation of speeds.


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