Jean-Luc Mélenchon is “like Madame Irma. His prophecies never come true, which does not prevent him from repeating them at regular intervals.. By comparing, in La Tribune Sunday, on January 19, the leader of La France insoumise (LFI) to a fortune teller, former president François Hollande, who wants to put an end to “the arrogant and disrespectful position of LFI”, stung the former socialist senator. Will the image stick to Jean-Luc Mélenchon's skin, like that of “paddle boat captain” had stuck to that of François Hollande, a decade earlier? A twist in history, the metaphor was at the time found by… Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who responded immediately. “François Hollande is a deception machine”scratched the leader of LFI at the microphone of RTL on Sunday, describing the socialist deputy as “minister of insults”.
Thirteen years after their confrontation in the 2012 presidential election, these two veterans of the left seem more than ever on the starting line, ready to face each other again in the supreme election. Their angry looks sometimes border on posture, as they need each other. “One justifies the candidacy of the other, they have reactivated their adulterated duo-duel of the best enemies”analyzes political scientist Rémi Lefebvre on Facebook.
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