Tignous exhibition at the Climate Academy: a tribute to the eco-designer

The designer Tignous is in the spotlight at the Climate Academy, with an exhibition around his book Ecojolie.

Denounce and point the finger at reality with a drawing, educate through humor, interest the public by creating links… The designer Tignous used his art to talk about serious and important subjects, but always with poetry et humour.

The artist is honored at theClimate Academythanks to a exposition previously unpublished, which reveals numerous drawings devoted to ecology. This exhibition – the dates of which we do not yet know – is based in particular on the book Ecojolie, released in 2017 and signed by the artist.

In this humorous comic strip, Tignous addresses big questions related toecologydiverts prejudices and anxieties, responds to abuse with absurdity. Faced with this vast subject, the artist chooses to concentrate on thehumanand everything that makes this world beautiful.


Thanks to this exhibition, theClimate Academy tackles with lightness a pressing subject of thenewsand also shows the strength and power of engaged drawing and informative. Through the work of Tignous, the institution also underlines the importance of the work of press cartoonists, who allow a lot of information to be conveyed in an image.

This exhibition is organized alongside the opening of the house of press cartoons in . This new cultural venue aims to highlight this art, the commitments and rights linked to press cartoons, while paying tribute to the press cartoonists murdered in 2015 in Paris. Tignous – Bernard Verlhac, his real name, died on January 7, 2015, during the attack on Charlie Hebdo. This exhibition should therefore take place in 2027, the date on which the house is due to open its doors to the public.



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