Fifteen young people from Échikia, the La Hague chess club based in Urville-Nacqueville (Manche), took part in the Youth Chess Channel Championships which were held at the end of 2024 in Bréhal.
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At the end of the two days of competition, with two Champion titles, two Vice-champion titles and by obtaining eleven qualifiers for the Normandy Championships next February, Échikia achieved its best overall result in the departmentals, since the creation of the club 3 years ago
specifies Jean-Luc Ledoux, president of Échikia.
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4 cups for the young people of Échikia
-Among the Petites-Poussines, little Madélia Mesnage won her first title and Moéna Mahituku did the same among the chicks by beating her teammate Anah Latray in the tiebreaker who therefore became Vice-champion. The young Jules Saint-Aubert becomes Vice-champion of the Petits Poussins, ahead of an experienced Saint-Lois player (the reigning 2024 Normandy Champion…).
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Several other good performances were noted during the two days of the tournament with five players from the Hague club in the first ten chicks, including the 4e meritorious place of Léon Montiel. In the very dense pupil category (U12): Arnau Marco Truong 6e or Mathéo Kerninon 11e obtain good regional qualifications.