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The region is known for its dangerous nature and these roads in the region are extremely risky.
The first elements indicate that it was imprudent to venture there.
The embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Burkina, which confirmed the information, is in close contact with the Burkinabe authorities in order to locate the four missing truckers. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation has created a crisis unit which is in permanent contact with the Moroccan embassy and the authorities of Burkina Faso.
“A very high risk area”
The Moroccan nationals took a route which crosses a very high risk zone, where terrorist cells and armed groups known for their regular acts of looting targeting transporters (especially trucks). Taking this route (Dori – Téra), without an escort, and obviously without having taken the time to find out about the security situation in the area, constitutes in itself adventurism on the part of these truckers, ignoring all precautionary measures. prior to their trip, according to sources in Burkina;
The track of the truckers was lost between Dori in Burkina Faso and Téra in Niger, a road which passes through the town Seytenga (map above). This specific area was the scene of a deadly ambush (between Dori and Seytenga), having cost the lives of 18 soldiers and several civilians, on January 11; a date recent enough for any individual present in the area to be aware and to take the necessary measures to avoid any risk of ambush, kidnapping or attack. Despite this, the 4 truckers took the road without escort;
Since the rise of the terrorist threat, embodied by the terrorist organization Islamic State in the Greater Sahel (EIGS), operating between Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, truck convoys are regularly organized under escort of the Burkinabe army to ensure the safety of trucks crossing the borders of Burkina Faso, particularly between Dori and Téra, indicate the same sources.
The north-east of Burkina Faso is currently under a significant jihadist threat, plunging the region into growing insecurity, marked by frequent violence, at a time when the countries concerned are making great efforts to secure the regions and neutralize the terrorist threat. These countries also provide considerable humanitarian aid to victims and displaced people.
-The same sources remind transport operators of the absolute obligation to respect established safety protocols, indicating that isolated circulation in sensitive areas can no longer be tolerated given the risks involved.
Here is also a reminder of the deadly attacks in the North-East of Burkina Faso and the West of Niger:
• Last June, thousands of displaced people fled the north-east of Burkina Faso, due to the increase in terrorist attacks, which further demonstrates the instability and insecurity of this region;
• At the beginning of December 2024, 21 civilians killed in the attack on a goods convoy in Téra, in western Niger, being a crossing point very frequented by truckers, at the time when Téra became the epicenter of jihadist violence in Niger ;
• 15 Catholic civilians gathered for prayer were killed on Sunday February 25, 2024 in a terrorist attack in Essakane-Village, in the Dori department, in the northeast of Burkina Faso;
• In 2022, more than 26,000 people were displaced from Seytenga to the town of Dori, after a terrorist attack which left 86 dead on the night of June 11 to 12 of the same year.
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