In Ile-de-France, France Inter leads radio audiences over the period from October 28 to December 22, 2024 vs. 2023. The public station thus recorded an increase of +3.1%, with an audience share ( PDA) of 18% compared to 14.9% a year earlier. It is well ahead of RTL, for its part down 2 points, to 10.4%, franceinfo (+1 point; 7.6%) and RMC (+0.7 point; 7%). The good deal can be attributed to Europe 1 which saw its audience increase by +2.1 over the period, to 6.4% PDA. Among the largest increases, we can also note those of: OUI FM (+0.7 point, 1.9%), NRJ (+0.6 point; 3%), Radio Nova (+0.5 point; 1.5%), RTL 2 (+0.4 point; 1.8%) and Rire et Chansons (+0.3 point; 1.8%). Conversely, among the biggest declines: Radio Classique lost 1.7 points in one year in the Ile-de-France region, at 2.3% PDA, while Chérie FM lost 1.4 points (1.7 %) ; FIP is down 1.1 points (3%) while France Culture loses 1 point (4.4%) and France Musique 0.6 points, at 1% PDA. Nostalgia (3.2%) and RFM (1.5%) are down -0.5 points and -0.4 points respectively.
In Île-de-France, on an average day of Monday-Friday (5 a.m.-24 p.m.), the radio brings together 6.4 million listeners aged 13 and over, stable over a year (- 20,000 listeners), for 2h31 per day and per listener, i.e. a decline of 10 minutes compared to the period November-December 2023.