There are thousands wanting their souvenir photo in front of the emblematic staircase of Carrie Bradshaw's apartment in New York, iconic character of Sex in the city. The entrance to 66 Perry Street, in the West Village, has become a must-see location for fans of the 2000s series.
Maintain tenant privacy
Problem: the building is a private home and the owner of the place, Barbara Lorber, is exasperated by tourists coming to take selfies in front of their favorite heroine's apartment. The building was classified, so she made a request to the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission, to protect tenants constantly disturbed by fans.
“I hoped for decades, literally, that this would pass,” she tells New York Times. “Take all the photos you want from the street, but please don’t enter our space, don’t look through our windows,” she adds to the daily. A neighbor interviewed confirms a “scandalous” situation of damage to property every day, all day. »
-The Commission unanimously accepted this project, opting for a lighter structure than that proposed. No installation date has yet been set.