SENEGAL-SOCIETE-DIVERS / Diass: two masons die in the collapse of a building in Benténier – Senegalese press agency

Mbour, Jan 18 (APS) – Two masons lost their lives on Saturday morning in the collapse of the wall of a building under construction in Benténier, a village in the commune of Diass, in the department of Mbour (west), we learned APS from a secure source.

“The collapse occurred today (Saturday), at 11 a.m., in the village of Benténier, commune of Diass, causing two deaths and two serious injuries,” reported the same source.

“The building collapsed due to the wind,” she said.

After the findings of the Diass gendarmerie, the lifeless bodies of the two victims, one of whom was 27 years old, were transported to the morgue and the injured to the Thierno Mansour Barro departmental hospital in Mbour by the firefighters. Saly firefighters, “in the presence of investigators”, continues the source.


“The site manager was arrested and an investigation is open,” she reported.





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