Puichéric. Near , an octogenarian, Robert Locatelli, plans to win the French cri du porc championship

Puichéric. Near , an octogenarian, Robert Locatelli, plans to win the French cri du porc championship
Puichéric. Near Carcassonne, an octogenarian, Robert Locatelli, plans to win the French cri du porc championship

At the start of the year in Puichéric, Robert Locatelli, 88 years old, made the decision to participate again in the French Cri du Pig Championship competition in Trie-sur-Baïse (Hautes-Pyrénées). A competitor at heart, he wants to take his revenge on 2024 where the competition did not go very well for him. “I only finished 4th, I was overcome by stresshe explains. This year, I will prepare better, I know that I can count on my gardening neighbors. They will help me train to know how to relieve pressure during the competition “.

Robert, throughout his life, acquired an eloquent record of success in the Cri du Pig competition: 10 times champion of Aude, once champion of Languedoc-Roussillon, once champion of Aquitaine, 8th in the French championship. He hopes that this competition will continue, that the departmental council he will contact will organize a competition at the national level. This octogenarian remains very active, always motivated by projects in his head.

in brief



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