the essential
President of the Ariège communist elected officials, vice-president of the CCPO and mayor of Sautel, Richard Moretto looks back at 2024 and looks forward to this new year.
What is your view on the year 2024 at the national level?
“It’s still in the aftermath of the bad Macron years, following the dissolution of the Assembly which gave a left-wing majority. Subsequently, the President of the Republic did not take into account the vote of the French by appointing a prime minister from the Republicans and a second still hanging by a thread, with the aim of remaining in place. Emmanuel Macron's policy is favoritism over money, deindustrialization, which is a catastrophe for France which no longer represents what it was a few years ago. »
What are the priorities for the French Communist Party, of which you are a part?
“The most important thing is purchasing power and salaries. Employment requires reindustrialization and pension reform which must be repealed and return to 60 years and 40 annuities of payment, it is entirely possible given the increase in productivity and that the financial means exist to support it . For Ariège, it is the same case. »
The forest charter seems to be one of your priorities at the CCPO level. For what ?
-“First of all, it is the state of our forests which are deteriorating at “great speed”, particularly among conifers and then also among certain deciduous trees. We must therefore react quickly to cultivate the forest, maintain, remove deficient wood, promote wood that can resist global warming and re-establish resistant plans.*
The second point is the use of defective wood to make pallets, crates, firewood or joinery. This can allow the creation of jobs and the development of our territory or we can talk about biodiversity and tourism in well-maintained forests. »
Where are we with the Montségur Grand Site operation?
“A meeting has just taken place with the new sub-prefect for a file that is moving forward. We are on the right track and the file should be completed very soon. »