Morocco takes part in Berlin Green Week

In addition to its official participation, the Moroccofor its tenth consecutive year at the “Green Week”is distinguished by a pavilion of more than 600 m² at the Berlin Trade Fairwhere visitors will be able to (re)discover Moroccan authenticity through cultural, culinary and musical activities.

The Kingdom pavilion will also be a platform for several Moroccan cooperatives coming from the 12 regions of Moroccoin order to promote their products, their innovations as well as the wealth and diversity of the national region on an international scale.

As part of the “Grüne Woche”, the 89th edition of which will see the participation of 66 countries, will be held on the 17th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA)an international ministerial conference bringing together more than 70 agriculture ministers on the theme “Designing a sustainable bioeconomy”.

The GFFA aims to raise awareness about reducing dependence on fossil fuels by using biological resources. The discussions will bring together Ministers of Agriculture and international experts with the idea of ​​reconciling food security, profitability and climate, specify the organizers.


Alongside the Ministerial Conference, the event, in which Morocco was a partner country in 2016, will also host the Farmers’ Forum, organized by the German Rural Women’s Association, the Forum of the German Farmers’ Association, as well as the 22nd International Congress for Sustainable Mobility, which will bring together more than 600 experts.

Another highlight of the “Grüne Woche” is the “Regional Star” Prize, which recognizes innovative concepts in the regional food trade. Selection criteria include a positive ecological footprint and added value for customers and the environment.

The “Grüne Woche” will also be punctuated by the 18th Future Forum for Rural Development. This meeting will focus on “Participation, democracy and cohesion in rural regions”. He will discuss topics such as youth participation and diversity and present the German funding program “BULEplus” for rural development. Founded in 1926 and having since welcomed 103,300 exhibitors and 34 million visitors, the “Grüne Woche” is expected to bring together this year no less than 1,500 exhibitors representing around sixty countries and nearly 400,000 visitors.



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