LThe observation is clear. Since the start of the season, incivility in Basketball halls in Gironde has become more and more recurrent. Invectives against players or referees, insults, inappropriate behavior… The Gironde Departmental Committee, linked to the French Basketball Federation, has decided to crack down, so as not to let the situation get worse. An “empty stands” operation will be launched this weekend of January 18 and 19, for all departmental matches.
From U9 to seniors, parents, relatives or friends will not be able to attend the meetings. Only a few companions for the visiting teams, in addition to the staff, will be accepted in the stands. “It will not be as strict and supervised as a closed session. The idea is not to sanction but rather to raise awareness among parents,” says Jean-Luc Dubos, president of the Gironde Departmental Committee. “We are seeing a deterioration in the climate in the rooms, which we measure through the number of disciplinary cases, which are twice as numerous at the start of the season compared to last year,” he explains.
Land invasion
Until now, these disciplinary files mainly concerned behavioral problems on the field, with players or coaches. Now, 32% of cases are opened due to inappropriate behavior in the stands, particularly from parents, or a third. “It ranges from insults to referees or players, coming from the stands, to aggressive behavior. We had a parent who entered the court to insult a referee and even invade the field. We had never had that before,” laments Jean-Luc Dubos.
Even if all this “remains a minority” among the hundreds of matches which take place each weekend, the Committee notes a “trend” which must be stopped. “We had to tackle the subject. It must not tip into violence because the line with incivility is fine. »
A “scourge”
This weekend, some clubs will play the game, others partially. Reaction to this decision is mixed. “But everyone understands the need to do something. This has the merit of leading to reflection, with pedagogy,” hopes Jean-Luc Dubos. In Lormont, the Léo Lagrange Basket Club will apply the “empty stand”.
“A father “lost his temper” by entering the field to shoot the ball, angry with the referee. We're talking about an amateur U13 match! »
Its president, Jonathan Deswarte, actually notes that “since Covid, there is less patience in the stands”. “Parents or supporters do not stay in their place. Some insult the coaches, telling them how to do it, or complain about playing times. Two weeks ago, a father “lost his temper” by entering the field to shoot the ball, angry at the 'arbitrator. We're talking about an amateur U13 match! » he regrets, referring to a “scourge that has been taking hold for four years”.
To put an end to this, the Committee implemented awareness-raising actions throughout the week, with the distribution of flyers in clubs, broadcast of audio messages before matches, communication on social networks and discussions with players. club presidents and the 13,600 licensed players from Gironde.