the report on the “opportunity” of getting closer to Habitat soon to be revealed

The Haute- departmental housing office organized its greeting ceremony on Thursday January 16. 2024 assessment and 2025 outlook were presented.

The Niederberger room of the Departmental Council hosted the Hamaris vows ceremony on Thursday. This is the departmental housing office (formerly Opac), which manages 5,892 housing units welcoming 9,736 people from Haut-Marnais. President of the structure, Bertrand Ollivier opened the afternoon with a thought in particular for Amina Tayri, “representative of Hamaris tenants for almost ten years”. The elected official then returned to obtaining the “Senior Housing Services” label and then announced that the approach “opportunity for a rapprochement” with Habitat continued. The conclusions of a report will soon be communicated to employees and administrators. “It is not a question of saving money, but of proposing a strategy for housing at the department level”insists Bertrand Ollivier, who confirms that this rapprochement is a desire of the two offices.

Choice of project managers

In the meantime, Hamaris will seek to find solutions to combat the vacancy considered significant. Bertrand Ollivier also informed his audience that the Idelians approach to pooling different offices in the northeast quarter will continue in 2025 with the integration of a sixth member, Ideha (Franche-Comté), whose director is also high -Marne.

The president then let Jacques Chambaud, general director, present a 2024 retrospective of an office employing 93 employees and having, last year, rehabilitated 55 homes, demolished 24 others (in Nogent) and sold three homes. In 2025, the operational phase of the urban renewal of neighborhoods in Joinville, Montier-en-Der and Wassy will be launched (the project managers will be chosen).


The ceremony continued with the presentation of medals of honor for vermeil work (30 years) to Béatrice Flamerion and Magali Parisot, while Marie-Hélène Bourrier was wished a happy retirement. Ludovic Hubler's testimony on a “Hitchhike around the world” punctuated the traditional part of the ceremony before the celebrations.


  • Bertrand Ollivier took stock of the file for a rapprochement between offices.


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