: François Bayrou's actions to convince the socialists

: François Bayrou's actions to convince the socialists
France: François Bayrou's actions to convince the socialists

In order to avoid a motion of censure in which the Socialists could join, the French Prime Minister has undertaken in particular to submit to the National Assembly even a partial agreement on pension reform.


François Bayrou made two gestures to try to mollify the socialists and push them to give up voting on the motion of censure tabled by La insoumise.

First concession, the Prime Minister undertakes to submit to the National Assembly any agreement, even partial, on pension reform.

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The reform would only remain in effect if, following meetings with the social partners, no agreement was reached.

François Bayrou's proposal comes the day after the ultimatum from the First Secretary of the PS. “The account is not there” warned Olivier Faure this Tuesday evening. The account is not there” Patrick Kanner repeated this Wednesday afternoon in the Senate.

The leader of the socialist senators believes, like his leader, that François Bayrou is not “clair”. The socialists will not sign “a blank check” he warns.

Responding to the socialist senator, François Bayrou then added an additional gesture and said ready to give up”to the 4,000 job cuts in National Education.

At the end of the afternoon, the PS had not yet reacted to François Bayrou's announcement on education.

On the LFI side, the head of the group in the Assembly, Mathilde Panot describes comedy the proposals of François Bayrou.

For his part, the Republican boss, Laurent Wauquiez, regrets that François Bayrou's project remains, in his eyes, very blurry despite “good intentions”.




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