In Planguenoual, Tour de , shops and accommodation on the horizon

In Planguenoual, Tour de , shops and accommodation on the horizon
In Planguenoual, Tour de France, shops and accommodation on the horizon

Tour de

“In 2025, we will reconnect with the Tour de France. It will cross the town of Planguenoual (July 11, Editor's note), in front of the town hall coming from Dahouët, to head towards Saint-René and Yffiniac”, rejoiced Alain Gouézin, deputy mayor of Planguenoual (Lamballe-Armor), during of his vows ceremony, Friday January 10, during which the elected official also announced his future resignation, “probably in the fall”.

Citizen reserve

“We are in the process of relaunching the citizen civil security reserve at Lamballe-Armor, previously present in Planguenoual. These are men and women, volunteers, called to be mobilized by the mayor, if necessary, for prevention, crisis management, searches in the event of disappearance, kidnapping, etc.,” recalled Alain Gouézin, inviting volunteers to pre-register at the town hall, the campaign being open until February 6.

Inauguration of the synthetic pitch on March 29

Presented as “the biggest investment of 2024”, costing €822,000 excluding tax (including €380,000 paid by Lamballe-Armor), the synthetic pitch at the Ville-Méen stadium will be inaugurated on Saturday March 29. “The feedback is excellent, the players appreciate this new equipment,” said the deputy mayor.

Shops and housing

Closed since 2021, the Planguenoual bar restaurant could come back to life soon. “We are working on a commercial building of around 400 m², with a ground floor for commercial units and two levels that can accommodate eight housing units, two of which are social. Building which will take place between the Carrefour Express and the health center,” detailed Alain Gouézin, banking on the submission of building permits in the spring, for a launch of the work hoped for at the end of the year.

Twelve additional housing units are also expected, via the social landlord La Rance, in the heart of the town.

Local heritage

The Planguenoual heritage group was highlighted by the deputy mayor, for its project to “gather, list and archive all the work that Jean Renault has carried out for years, to allow the public and schools to consult all these archives, photos and films, taken in the town. »




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