War through social networks: what if used the same weapons as Algeria?

War through social networks: what if used the same weapons as Algeria?
War through social networks: what if France used the same weapons as Algeria?

Formerly of the Economic Warfare School (EGE), Franck DeCloquement is an expert-practitioner in economic and strategic intelligence (IES), and member of the scientific council of the Institute of Applied Geopolitics Studies – EGA. He acts as an advisor in support of the management of companies established in and internationally, in competitive and complex environments. A member of CEPS, CyberTaskforce and Cercle K2, he is also a specialist in issues relating to the impact of new technologies and cyber on economic and social ecosystems. But also, on the prevalence of geoeconomic conflicts and destabilizing external interference on European states. Professor at IRIS (the Institute of International and Strategic Relations), he teaches economic intelligence, influence strategies, as well as the impact of malicious interference and espionage actions in the economic sphere. He also teaches at IHEMI (The Institute of Advanced Studies of the Ministry of the Interior) and at IHEDN (Institute of Advanced Studies of National Defense), influence and counter-intervention actions, strategies of adverse subversive attacks against companies, within the prestigious training cycles in Strategic Intelligence of these two institutes. He also taught Geopolitics of the Media and the Internet at the IFP (Institut Française de Presse) of the University of 2 Panthéon-Assas, for the Master’s research “Media and Globalization”. Franck DeCloquement is the co-author of “Small treatise on subversive attacks against businesses – Theory and practice of economic counter-intervention”, published by CHIRON. Also the author of chapter five on “the protection of online information” of the “Business Intelligence Manual” published in 2020 by Presses Universitaires de France (PUF).



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