A new alliance to revitalize the Moroccan political landscape

This Thursday, a new political platform bringing together three Moroccan parties – the Popular Movement (MP), the Moroccan Liberal Party (PML) and the National Democratic Party (PDN) – was officially launched under the name “ The Popular Coalition “. The stated objective is to “ revitalize the political scene and restore nobility to political action ».

© Mounir Mehimdate

According to the founding manifesto, this initiative is part of a context marked by a “ deep political crisis in Morocco, characterized by a decline in the role of traditional mediation institutions, whether political, union or associative. This situation is accompanied by a worsening of the functional incapacity of these institutions at the national, regional and local levels, leading to a proliferation of unstructured and disorganized policy frameworks. This further accentuates the gap between citizens and institutions ».

© Mounir Mehimdate

The Popular Coalition aims to “ rehabilitate political practice, renew the role of institutional mediation and revive the spirit of political commitment based on programs and considered choices “. The manifesto deplores the fragmentation and the quest for individual interests within the current partisan landscape, which pushed the initiators to create this platform as a political alternative responding to economic and social changes.

© Mounir Mehimdate

During the official announcement, held at the central headquarters of the Popular Movement this Thursday, the initiators underlined their openness to all political, union and civil forces sharing the same references and objectives. They also declared themselves ready to enrich the founding manifesto with proposals from interested parties, thus demonstrating a desire to build an inclusive and integrated political project.

© Mounir Mehimdate

The Popular Coalition builds on a political heritage dating back to the era of independence, where the idea of ​​a popular coalition emerged as an alternative to single-party hegemony, laying the foundations for a significant political pluralism underline its founders. However, they point out that this pluralism has been weakened over time by partisan splits and political developments.

© Mounir Mehimdate

To overcome these challenges, the new Coalition aims to promote collective work between the founding parties while opening up to other political forces. The objective is to propose a political offer reflecting unity in diversity and based on justice and equity in the distribution of wealth.


Anchored in constitutional principles, the Popular Coalition aspires to strengthen the foundations of the Moroccan nation, notably the monarchy, national unity and democratic choice. It also highlights objectives such as the promotion of human rights, dignity, cultural diversity, as well as the guarantee of social and territorial justice.

© Mounir Mehimdate

With this in mind, the Coalition plans to support public investment in remote regions and promote overall development through the application of advanced regionalization. It also aims to train new political elites with integrity and transparency, capable of strengthening democratic action in representative institutions.

© Mounir Mehimdate

The Popular Coalition is committed to fighting corruption and moralizing political practice. He also intends to defend the rights of Moroccan families, emphasizing access to health, education and decent housing. On the international level, it places as a priority the promotion of Morocco’s role at the regional and global level, as well as the defense of territorial unity and the question of the Moroccan Sahara.

© Mounir Mehimdate

To achieve its objectives, the Popular Coalition plans to organize regular meetings on national priorities, create national, regional and sectoral commissions to study major issues, and strengthen ties with Moroccans living abroad. The latter will be invited to contribute to development projects. The Coalition is also considering political leadership campaigns and listening to citizens’ aspirations.

Thus, this new project aims to restore citizens’ confidence in politics by attracting young talents and dynamic social forces. It also aims to promote parallel diplomacy through openness to international political organizations, with the aim of defending national interests.



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