In brief in Lozère: CER Benjamin-Bardy conferences, demonstration for Palestine, workshops for parents

In brief in Lozère: CER Benjamin-Bardy conferences, demonstration for Palestine, workshops for parents
In brief in Lozère: CER Benjamin-Bardy conferences, demonstration for Palestine, workshops for parents

CER Benjamin-Bardy conferences. The Benjamin-Bardy Center for Studies and Research is organizing conferences on Wednesdays, January 22 and 29, 2025, at 5:30 p.m., at the Jean-Jaurès room, 10 rue Charles-Morel, in Mende. The first will concern the Grimoard family, with the historian Myriam Angella-Scot, and the second will talk about the development of Chassezac, with the speaker Jean-Louis Maurin. Free without registration.

Demonstration for Palestine. Saturday January 11, 2025, the Palestine citizen collective Gaza 48 calls for a rally at Place du Foirail, at 10 a.m., to demand a ceasefire in Palestine, an end to arms deliveries to Israel and respect for international law. .

Workshops for parents. In partnership with Family Planning 48, the Naître et Groiser association is offering two workshops for parents at the Maison solidaire in Mende, on Thursdays January 9 and 23, 2025, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., around the theme: “Sex is funny in words, how can we talk about it with our children?” Free upon registration on 06 58 96 11 97.



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