The 55 Citizens for Limoges association is offering a conference on Thursday January 9, at 8 p.m., at the Maison du temps libre-Léo Lagrange in Limoges, entitled “Which school do we want? “. The speaker, Jean-Paul Delahaye, honorary inspector general and former director general of school education at the Ministry of National Education, is the author of Consoling exception, a grain of the poor in the machine and of School is not made for the poor. FREE ENTRANCE.
The collective of women artists Clos d'Elles is organizing the 2nd edition of the women artists' show, from January 8 to 14, at the Pavillon du Verdurier (every day, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.). The creators (from Gironde, Haute-Garonne, Charente, Creuse, Corrèze, Lot-et-Garonne, Vienne, etc.) will be honored with a wide variety of techniques (ceramics, painting, photography, sculpture, embroidery, illustration, etc.). ). At the same time, workshops at free prices will be offered: live painting on 10 p.m. at 6 p.m.; paint your emotions on the 11th at 2:30 p.m.; black demonstration on the 11th at 6 p.m.; illustrate my garden (for children) on the 12th at 11 a.m.; vegetable painting on the 12th at 2 p.m.; conference on gynecological violence on the 13th at 6 p.m.; podcast on sensory hybrid photo on the 14th at 12:30 p.m. Contact: Camille Groll, president,; Isabelle Serve, assistant secretary,; [email protected].
Saturday January 11, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., the Arédien multi-reception center Pomme de Reinette and the Relais Petite Enfance (RPE) of the Saint-Yrieix region are offering, in partnership with the Solidarilait 87 association, a free parenting workshop on the theme “ Around baby”, for parents and future parents, whether or not they attend the structures, at the Childhood House, rue du 8-Mai-1945, in Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche. Rotating workshops will be organized on baby carrying, breastfeeding and baby massages. An exchange will be offered around the theme, where everyone will be able to talk about their experiences. Information and registration at or or [email protected].
From January 9 to 11, the City of Trades and Arts of Limoges (Musée des Compagnons, 5, rue de La Règle, Jardins de l'Évêché), hosts a textile fair (10 a.m. – 6 p.m., free entry) organized by the organization Émilie Tissus Paris. This event highlights artistic crafts, artisanal know-how and the richness of noble materials such as silk, wool and cashmere, between designer stands, demonstrations of artisanal techniques, exhibitions of unique pieces, space for exchanges. Information : [email protected] ;
Movie theater
Thursday January 9 at 8 p.m., at the Ciné-Bourse in Saint-Junien, a film debate will take place around the film Krishnamurti, the revolution of silencedocumentary by Françoise Ferraton; the screening will be followed by an exchange with Raphaël Voix, ethnologist, research fellow at the CNRS, specialist in Indian spiritualities.
Job dating
The City of Limoges is organizing a job dating Thursday January 9 at 2 p.m. at the La Bastide social center, 34 rue Degas. Job offers and training in the construction, industry, transport/logistics, cleaning, home help, public works, health and social, cleaning, personal service, etc. sectors.