Like every year now, the census takes place in our town! It takes place from January 16 to February 22, 2025. Being registered is a civic gesture, which makes it possible to determine the official population of each municipality. It's simple, useful and secure… and you can answer it online! Here is all the information to better understand and to be properly identified. The census is useful to everyone. The results of the population census determine the State's participation in the municipal budget. The number of inhabitants also depends on the number of elected officials in the municipal council, the determination of the voting method, the number of pharmacies… Furthermore, opening a nursery, setting up a business, building housing or developing means of transport are projects based on detailed knowledge of the population of each municipality (age, profession, means of transport, housing conditions, etc.). Finally, the census also helps professionals to better understand their markets, and associations their audience. In short, the census makes it possible to make decisions adapted to the needs of the population. This is why it is essential that everyone participates! An enumerator will come to your home, armed with their official card. He will give you your identifiers to register you online. To respond online, go to the site: and click on “Access the online questionnaire”. Use your access code and password to log in. They appear on the information notice that the enumerator gave you during his visit. Then, all you have to do is let yourself be guided. If you cannot respond online, the enumerator will give you the paper questionnaires concerning your accommodation and the people who reside there. Fill them out legibly. He can help you if you wish and will then come and collect them at a time agreed with you. You can also send them to your town hall or to the regional directorate of INSEE. The online census is less expensive and more environmentally friendly. The census is safe: your personal information is protected. Only INSEE is authorized to use the questionnaires. They cannot therefore give rise to any administrative or tax control. However, your name and address are necessary to ensure that accommodations and people are only counted once. When the questionnaires are processed, your name and address are not recorded and are therefore not stored in the databases. Finally, all people with access to the questionnaires (including enumerators) are bound by professional secrecy. For more information, consult the website:
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