After opposing the electrification of this area in 2021, the municipality has just been ordered by the administrative court of Toulouse to authorize it. Royalty free image.
The standoff between the municipality, local residents and the operator Free concerning the installation of a 36-meter high 5G antenna – in the heart of the PNR – continues and begins its sixth year of disputes. After opposing the electrification of this area in 2021, the municipality has just been ordered by the administrative court of Toulouse to authorize it.
“It is a final judgment which was rendered last December”
“We have been ordered once again to execute the electricity connection authorization in the Caillardé Carli zone,” explains Jean-Luc Rouan, the village mayor. I am talking about the connection of the antenna, which we opposed in line with our unfavorable opinion on the construction of a radiotelephone antenna in this area. There was then a summary judgment, but this time, it is a final judgment which was rendered last December, and which explains to us that we cannot refuse this connection. »
The village mayor reminds us: “The town is not opposed to the deployment of telephone relay antennas. On condition that the service and reception are improved on the municipal territory, insists Jean-Luc Rouan, that the installation is socially acceptable and above all mutualizable between operators, and that the public domain is favored for an installation of this type, rather than the private domain. »
The procedures initiated since 2018 currently amount to €30,000. “From the beginning, the Free operator has not agreed to negotiate on the search for a more appropriate and consensual location for the installation of its antenna. »
“We are not giving up”
Mobilized from the early hours, a collective of local residents – directly impacted by the installation of this 5G antenna – recently contacted by letter Senator Jean-Jacques Michau, MP Martine Froger, the prefect of Ariège Simon Bertoux, the president of the departmental council Christine Téqui and the president of the Pyrénées Ariégeoises Regional Natural Park, Kamel Chibli. “Free continues the procedures in a real relentlessness against the commune of Saurat. It defends itself valiantly – as do the local residents – despite the legal means at its disposal being almost reduced to nothing. We would therefore like to rephrase our concerns about this antenna project directly above the emblematic rock of Carlong and 140 m from the first homes at a place called Campot in Saurat. We are not giving up and we will follow through with whatever steps we can take. We are already taking preventive summary proceedings before the Foix court to defend our third-party rights and obtain answers to our questions. » MP Martine Froger is due to receive the collective soon.