The same day, the Grenoble editorial staff of Dauphiné released meets in front of the agency's premises, avenue Alsace-Lorraine. Stéphane Echinard, agency head in Grenoble at the time (right in the photo), remembers: “The evening of the attack on Charlie Hebdo, we gathered among the people of Grenoble, rue Félix-Poulat, after an appeal launched on social networks by I don't remember who. It was a spontaneous moment, we didn't even have the strength to cry, it was emotion, anger and astonishment mixed and shared. But this photo is from the next day, January 8, 2015. It was a day of national mourning. At noon, everything had to stop, France had to respect a minute of silence. But as in addition it was freedom of expression which was attacked, and our profession, at noon, rather than staying behind our desks in the editorial office, we took to the street, avenue Alsace-Lorraine in Grenoble, with our “Je suis Charlie” photocopied on A4 sheets. And indeed, in the street, at that moment, in front of us, to the right, to the left, everything stopped. It was impressive. Our faces clearly express “the day after”, the aftershock, the hangover, that moment when you begin to realize, before plunging back into the nightmare: the next day, it was the attack of the Hyper Hide… » Photo archives Le DL / Christophe Agostinis