Au landscaped cemetery intermunicipal association of Bois Bailleul of the town of Bondouflein Essonne, the dead rest in peace in a green paradise. Initially created in 2007 on a plot of two hectares (ha), the place now extends over an area of 7.5 ha since the development of an extension, designed as a real parc landscaped. The place, created by the landscaper Art'Païspromotes, in fact, the development of biodiversity inherent and “reinvents funeral spaces”.
Thus, the Bondoufle cemetery offers visitors a place of contemplation soothingin harmony with its environment green. Its layout includes traditional burials, but also landscaped or semi-landscaped ones. The extension includes a jardin remembrance, caverns, and an awning, with a capacity of 100 people, dedicated to ceremonies. The place is distinguished by its landscaping, its ecological management of rainwater and its compliance with environmental and funeral standards.
A competition that rewards beautiful landscaping
This entire landscape concept won over the jury of the national competition Landscape Victories 2024. Composed of members of ValueFrench inter-profession of horticulture, floristry and landscaping, the jury awarded the Bronze Victory to the Bois Bailleul cemetery, category “Urban public space: cemetery”. On December 11, during the awards ceremony in Paris, the distinction was welcomed with pride by the Urban Community Greater Paris South.
The community of southern Ile-de-France, manager of the site, had in fact applied to participate in the competition. So successfully! She is one of the 44 winners who were distinguished to close the 2024 edition of the competition. 74 municipalities or communities had been previously selected by the Valhor jury, which traveled to each site to complete its analysis. Since 2008, it has rewarded French cities having carried out beautiful landscaping, promoting a contemporary vision of green space.