Côte-d’Or. This popular radio station changes its name, but not its content


Nicolas Salin

Published on

Jan 6, 2025 at 4:21 p.m.

This Monday, January 6, the Bleu network officially changed name to become “ Ici“, marking a new step in the radio landscape and the media in general.

Laurent Jaoui, director of the station now named “Ici Bourgogne” and whose studios are located in , explains the implications of this transformation. He emphasizes that despite the change of name and the evolution of the sound design, “the antenna does not change”. The station will continue to highlight “local news, music, songs we like humwhich recall souvenirswhere we like to dance…”. Laurent Jaoui also insists on the importance of “good humor” and a “benevolent” radio station, avoiding controversy and lessons, in contrast to the tone often adopted on social networks.

According to Laurent Jaoui, director of ICI Bourgogne, “there is no better word than ‘here’ to symbolize the hyper proximity we have with our listeners” (©Radio France)

A symbiosis with France Télévisions

This name change aims to strengthen coherence between local public service media, in particular France 3 and France Bleu, by uniting them under the same banner. Laurent Jaoui explains: “It had to change to a concern for consistencyso that media that are similar, France 3 and France Bleu, work under the same banner.” This initiative is part of a “media of proximity public and media 360. In my opinion, there is no better word than 'here' to symbolize hyper proximity that we have with our listeners.”

The director recalls that collaborations had already existed between the two media for several months, in particular through joint summer programs. He specifies that “this evolution does not imply a standardization of content, but rather a reinforced synergy, while retaining the creativity specific to each media.

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“The thirty or so employees of ICI Bourgogne are experts in their territory” Laurent Jaoui, radio director. (©Nicolas Salin.fr)

“The name changes but the DNA remains the same”

Concerning the programming, Laurent Jaoui details the different time slots: “The morning is focused on local news and music, service and good humor until midday, a accompaniement “to the house” at the end of the day and specific weekend programs dedicated to leisure activities such as gardening, outings and animals. “The presenters, journalists, reception staff and technicians are true experts of the territoryat the service of listeners” specifies Laurent Jaoui.

The director emphasizes the importance of being a “tutorial radio, a solution radio“, providing practical advice, good deals for purchasing power, and information on local life.

This name change is accompanied by a promotional campaign, before and after January 6, with the aim of strengthen the bond with listeners and to best respond to their aspirations. As Céline Pigalle, the director of the network, summarizes, “It’s a big new looka renewal, a new impetus and at the same time, everything you like about the Radio France local radio network is still present.

Here Burgundy, 98.3 MHz and 103.7 MHz in Dijon and the Côte-d'Or

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