Around or just before noon, an area of precipitation will reach the west, before spreading to other regions in the afternoon. At the back, sunny spells will appear locally with a few more showers possible. Maximum temperatures will be reached around midday and will vary between 7 degrees in Haute Ardenne and 11 to 12 degrees in the center.
In the afternoon, the air will become cooler with temperatures eventually dropping to around 7 degrees in the center by the end of the day.
Yellow wind alert across the country
The wind will be quite strong and later in the day sometimes strong, and very strong at the coast, blowing from the south-southwest before turning to the south-west. In the morning, gusts will gradually increase to 60 to 75 km/h. In the afternoon, they will strengthen further, reaching 80 to 90 km/h, or even locally a little more.
The IRM has also issued a yellow wind alert across the country between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. this Monday.
It should also be remembered that a yellow alert for rain is in effect from Sunday 8 p.m. until Monday 7 p.m. for the provinces of Namur and Luxembourg.