As a reminder, according to Famara Ibrahima Cissé, president of ACSIF, this is a legal-financial dispute between Mr. Bocar Samba Dieye and the banking institution CBAO. Indeed, it was on the basis of a fictitious letter of credit of 6 billion 650 million that the assets of Bocar Samba Dieye were seized by the CBAO. When this dispute arose, justice appointed an expert. He recalls that this is the only expert report that has been approved by the courts. This expert stopped the account which was in credit of a little more than 879 million. In other words, it is the CBAO which owes money to Bocar Samba Dieye. However, the scientific data put forward by the expertise approved by the courts attest that the CBAO owes money to Bocar Samba Dieye. In addition, he affirms that the court has decided since 2008 to the present day, the CBAO must compensate Bocar Samba Dieye to the tune of a little more than 11 billion. Consequently, the Bank had to comply. But no! because this court decision is unenforceable.
It is in this logic that he calls on the new authorities who promised and who were promoted on the basis of JUB JUBAL JUBANTI. Especially since the courts have issued a decision to request that this operator be compensated to the tune of 11 billion. “I think that today it is a matter of the new authorities asserting this JUBANTI and we are waiting for this JUBANTI. Cries of distress, cries of justice for Bocar Samba Dieye have been launched since their installation and until now Bocar Samba Dieye who has worked for more than 67 years is waiting. He’s old, he’s waiting for his money,” he said.
Taking the floor, the complainant Bocar Samba Dièye returned in detail to this problem which opposes him to the CBAO. According to him, the institution knows very well that he owes them nothing, if only the 12 times he has won can prove it and he has the proof. He maintains that among all the banks he has worked with, only CBAO remains a problem for him. While emphasizing that even the court of appeal and the court of cassation ruled in its favor but that each time the case arises, the CBAO makes an appeal.
However, Bocar Samba Dieye called for justice while calling on the new regime so that this problem is resolved.