Dakar, Jan 4 (APS) – The daily newspapers received by APS on Saturday deal with various subjects including the eighth edition of the National Cleanup Day ”Setal Sunu Réew”, initiated by the President of the Republic, the bill on the Advertising Code, including adoption is expected from the first quarter of this year or the aftermath of the murder of a 12-year-old girl, on the night of December 31, 2024 to 1is January 2025.
”The Army at the front”, headlines Le Soleil to highlight the role of prime contractor of the Ministry of the Armed Forces in the organization of the ”Stal Sunu Réew” day. An opportunity for the publication to return to the Army-Nation concept from Senghor, first president of Senegal, to Diomaye Faye.
”(…) the Army-Nation concept (…) has experienced variations since 1960 [année de l’indépendance du Sénégal] to today, influenced by various political, economic, environmental and social factors”, we can read in Le Soleil.
For this newspaper, this concept means nothing more and nothing less ”an Army always at the service of the Nation”.
The daily L’Info displays on its front page the photo of the Minister of Communication, Telecommunications and Digital Affairs, who discusses the sharing workshop on the preliminary bill on the Advertising Code.
Dating from 1964, and revised in 1984, this legislation ”does not take into account digital aspects”, notes Alioune Sall, who believes that ”it is urgent for Senegal to have a new legal framework” ‘, to better regulate and formalize the advertising sector.
Le Quotidien returns to the public finance audit report for the period from 2019 to 2024, by the Court of Auditors which, according to the newspaper ”is slow to be published”.
Taking up information recently published in the daily Les Echos, relating to the appointment of an independent expert responsible for auditing the public debt, Le Quotidien believes that such a decision by the government would add to ”confusion” and ”n ‘does not help to enlighten the Senegalese’.
Still in Economy, Walf Quotidien reports in its daily delivery of ”the waltz of figures” to discuss the level of debt of Senegal with different forecasts on the amounts depending on whether we are on the side of power or of the opposition.
Libération, which deals with the case of the murder of a 12-year-old girl in the Dakar suburbs, reveals that ”the police are identifying the psychological profile of the alleged assassin”. ”Modou Fall known as El Hadji, a ‘cold monster”, headlines the daily, which repeats remarks attributed to the alleged 33-year-old criminal.
The newspaper L’As indicates on its front page “the rationalization of political parties”, an idea raised by the head of Etta during his traditional address to the nation on December 31. According to the publication, “the actors nod their hats”. In other words, that they agree on the consultations announced by President Faye to limit the number of parties, in order to “bring order to the political system”, writes the newspaper.