Development of the rural world, a guarantee of justice and lasting social peace

Development of the rural world, a guarantee of justice and lasting social peace
Development of the rural world, a guarantee of justice and lasting social peace

A world marked by uncertainty, a shortage of resources, armed conflicts, an invasion of the city at the expense of the rural world, a significant climatic metamorphosis. All this will not be without impact on living beings and their way of life on earth.

The global population of cities around the world has continued to increase in recent years and will reach 4.7 billion by 2030, with 90% of this growth occurring in low- and middle-income countries.

By 2050, 70% of the world’s population will live in cities or metropolises with all the impact that this can have on resources, on territories and especially on populations, particularly the most fragile, the rural population, the children, women, the elderly, people with disabilities, unemployed young people.

Morocco has already reached 62%, with rapid expansion to the detriment of the rural world, and unlimited real estate expansion. To support this acceleration of urbanization and demographic growth and urban sprawl, the Territories must face numerous economic, social, environmental and energy challenges with an unfailing impact on the most vulnerable populations, women, the elderly, children, people with disabilities and the rural population are specifically deprived of preliminary rights.

While cities are poles of promise, jobs, well-being, technologies and economic and social development, they are also the main source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, environmental externalities and disparities. social of all kinds.

An integrated and integral approach to facing a world in profound change
Thus, not escaping this changing reality, it is important to emphasize that in Morocco the transition towards sustainable equitable territories, particularly for the rural world, is becoming par excellence a project of burning urgency. According to the HCP, the urbanization rate in Morocco reaches 62.8% according to the 2024 HCP census.

A political and societal transition which aims to release the city’s potential for sustainability, creativity and competitiveness, and will de facto require a multi-dimensional, multi-actor and multi-scale change management approach with a view to territorial justice. in favor of the rural population.

Thus, the success of this project is conditioned by multi-actor leadership and a strong local, regional and national political will of political parties to rebuild the bond of trust with local citizens, particularly for a rural world that guarantees biodiversity, food security and sustainability.

Water shortage, food security, mobility, migration, are the key words of a rural world in distress. Innovative and creative management of resources proves to be the key words for a spirit of resilience in the face of multiple uncertainties.

Effective governance for sustainable and equitable water allocation. To do this, we must adopt an inclusive and integrated approach that involves all stakeholders, from policy makers to grassroots communities. Governance is necessary to catalyze change and ensure equitable access. This includes new irrigation and storage technologies, recycling, improved wastewater treatment and reuse, adoption of circular economy principles as well as the implementation of ecosystem-based solutions. in order to cope with the shortage.

These efforts require updates, evaluations and learning from national and regional strategies.

Collaborative solutions for particular attention to the rural world

– The state must opt ​​for monitoring and evaluation of past strategies and programs and effective learning of lessons learned towards innovative and innovative management.

– Consideration of the local specificities of each territory, with an effective operationalization of participatory democracy and active citizenship.

– The Involvement of young people and marginalized people in decision-making

– Dealing with multiple territorial disparities in terms of the right of access to employment and education.

*Researcher and community activist



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