Wholesale prices in Casablanca: further slight drop in red meat prices

Wholesale prices in Casablanca: further slight drop in red meat prices
Wholesale prices in Casablanca: further slight drop in red meat prices

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The Casablanca wholesale market, according to data published on January 2, 2025by the SDL Casa Serviceshighlights a continued decline in the prices of red meats, alongside a generalized stability of fruits. Vegetables, for their part, showed contrasting adjustments, between slight increases and maintaining prices.

Here are the main price developments for this week in detail.


Tomatoes: The minimum price reaches 1.30 DH and the maximum rises to 4.20 DH (previously 1.20 DH and 3.50 DH, an increase of +0.10 DH and +0.70 DH respectively).

Squash: Prices remain stable between 2.50 DH and 5.50 DH.

Carrots: A drop is observed, with a minimum price of 1.00 DH and a maximum of 2.00 DH (compared to 1.20 DH and 2.30 DH last week, i.e. -0.20 DH and -0.30 DH) .

Fresh onion: Prices remain unchanged between 1.30 DH and 2.20 DH.

Potatoes: Stable range from 2.30 DH to 3.80 DH.

Cauliflower: Always 1.00 DH for the minimum and 2.00 DH for the maximum.

White cabbage: Prices remain constant, between 1.50 DH and 3.00 DH.

Courgettes : Prices are between 3.00 DH and 5.50 DH, without variation.

Cucumber : A slight increase in the maximum price to 5.80 DH (compared to 5.50 DH, or +0.30 DH), while the minimum price remains stable at 3.00 DH.

Eggplant: Prices are falling, going from 2.50 DH to 4.00 DH (previously 4.50 DH, or -0.50 DH).


Local bananas: Prices unchanged between 5.00 DH and 7.50 DH.

Imported bananas: Prices maintained between 7.00 DH and 13.00 DH.

Oranges : Price stability, ranging from 2.50 DH to 5.50 DH.

Local apples: Prices vary from 6.00 DH to 12.00 DH, without fluctuation.

Imported apples: Unchanged between 12.00 DH and 22.00 DH.

Grenades : Stable range between 3.50 DH and 7.00 DH.

Lawyers: Prices remain between 10.00 DH and 17.00 DH.


Viande ovine : The minimum price remains set at 100,00 DHwhile the maximum progresses to 120,00 DH (previously 118.00 DH, or +2.00 DH).

Viande bovine : The minimum price is stable at 80,00 DHwhile the maximum decreases slightly to 89.00 DH (against 90.00 DH, or -1.00 DH).

Source: Casablanca Services, processing by Médias24

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