President Bassirou Diomaye Faye recently announced the imminent launch of the new digital platform called “Ligeeyal sa reew”, whose deployment is planned for the first quarter of 2025. This initiative aims to transform the landscape of applications for public positions and to stimulate the commitment of Senegalese citizens, both on national territory and abroad.
“This platform will allow each Senegalese, whether in the country or in the diaspora, to submit their candidacy for public positions in competition or to propose projects and investment opportunities,” declared the president, thus underlining a clear desire democratization of appointment processes.
The creation of “Ligeeyal sa reew” is part of a broader effort to promote equal opportunities. President Faye has already given instructions to the Organization and Method Office to identify key positions to be put into competition and to develop the operating rules of the candidate selection committee. This approach emphasizes essential transparency and clarity in the management of public appointments.
As part of his good governance program, the president insisted on the importance of this reform, which aims to bring the State closer to citizens. “We want to make each Senegalese a decisive actor of change,” he said, indicating that the active involvement of citizens in public affairs is crucial for national development.
With this platform, Senegal aspires to become a model of transparency and innovation in public management. The president concluded by affirming that “these reforms demonstrate our commitment to placing the citizen at the heart of public action and to building a united, just and prosperous Senegal ᄏ.
This initiative promises to redefine civic participation in Senegal, making each citizen an active participant in building their nation. It remains to be seen how the Senegalese will welcome this new opportunity and how it will influence the dynamics of political and social exchanges in the country.