« A few years ago, I realized that in traditional cosmetics schools, there was little room left for the organic sector. », recalls Jessica Hamour, founder of Laboratoire 4E, in Avignon. “ I myself have been a trainer in organic cosmetics since 2012. » So she opened her own school.
Qualiopi certification for the Laboratoire 4E training school
The great 2024 news for its company Laboratoire 4E is that last spring it received the certification Qualiopi. A label which attests to the quality of the process implemented during training. The school, located in Montfavet-Avignon, near the Agroparc activity zone, welcomes around a hundred students each year, in reduced training.
With this new label, Jessica Hamou counts increase your turnover linked to your training school by at least 10%. « Until now, our turnover was split equally between the school, our brands and our subcontracting activity.. » The manager does not wish to communicate further on her turnover.
A move in progress for Laboratoire 4E
If the headquarters remains at 33 Rue des Tireuses de Soie, in Avignon, and the organic cosmetics training school in Avignon-Montfavet, on the other hand, the “manufacturing and logistics” center is moving. “ Our premises were becoming too cramped for us. We have our two brands, Kesari based on saffron from Provence and Monoï Tiana, as well as a range of essential and vegetable oils. But we also create “white label” products for other cosmetic companies. We had to expand to meet orders “. The laboratory and storage will therefore now be located in Vedène, increasing from 80 to 180 m2.