Blocked skies and roads, strike in Kicéo, Christmas snack… Hello !

50 Shades of Gray this Tuesday

Mist and reduced visibility this morning, overcast skies this afternoon… This Tuesday, the clouds will reign supreme above our heads. There could also be a few showers and a little wind (gusts to 50 km/h) in the evening. The thermometer shows 7°C this morning and 10°C in the afternoon. [La météo à aujourd’hui et demain]

(The Weather Channel)

Traffic: 9 km of traffic jams around Vannes

Traffic is like the sky this Tuesday morning: clogged. Shortly before 9 a.m., Bison Futé announces 9 km of traffic jams on the main roads: 3 km on the RN166 arriving at Liziec, 3 km on the RN165 in the - direction near Pompidou, and 3 km on the RN165 in the other direction at the height of the famous Statue of Liberty of Ploeren.

In Kicéo, Monday’s strike could just be a warm-up. Due to the social movement, disruptions will affect urban lines 1 to 12 of the network this Tuesday. On the other hand, no disruption is expected on school services, peri-urban lines (20 to 30), shared BreizhGo lines and on-demand transport.

“We have a lot of it,” lamented the Kéolis bus drivers who were on strike this Monday. (Le Télégramme/Caroline Lafargue)

A Christmas snack offered at the university library

Notice to UBS students and other foodies, this is the gift of the day! As the holidays approach, the university library invites you to a Christmas snack this Tuesday, December 17 between 3:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. Cocooning atmosphere guaranteed with hot chocolate, coffee, tea, Christmas chocolates, panettone, gingerbread… In order to limit unnecessary waste, you are asked to bring a cup. And those who want to add a little fun to the party can wear their best Christmas sweater!



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