employees of the apprentice training center on strike

employees of the apprentice training center on strike
employees of the apprentice training center on strike

“Training centers (CFA) for apprentices do not work without us” can we read on the posters. This Wednesday, December 11, 2024, in Châteauroux, “12 employees of the CFA de l’Indre” (of the 32 on campus) expressed their dissatisfaction, according to the organizers of this gathering.

Skills “less and less valued”

“We have reached an agreement between the five campuses in the region […] to demand an increase in our salaries”, said Gwenaëlle Baudusseau, trainer at the BTP CFA in Châteauroux.

This movement is part of a regional strike notice carried out from December 9 to 13 in all BTP CFA work establishments in the region. In a press release sent to At NOFrédéric Goubet, CFDT Centre-Val de union delegate, specifies the demands made: “The CFDT recalls that since 2020, the salary increases granted to employees are always significantly lower than the increase in the cost of living. Thus, our investments and skills are less and less valued. »

For the union, “the profits generated by the association over the last four years, representing more than 7 million euros and more than 740,000 euros of apprenticeship tax in reserve, make it possible to claim an increase in salaries of at least 2%, with retroactivity from September 2024 ».

And Frédéric Goubet concludes that “during the period of notice, the CFDT will participate in any negotiations that you wish to open”.



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