what are the most disadvantaged areas in Franche-Comté?

what are the most disadvantaged areas in Franche-Comté?
what are the most disadvantaged areas in Franche-Comté?

How do we measure poverty?

The poverty threshold and rate

In , a person is considered poor if their income is less than 1,216 euros per month, or 60% of the median income. In 2022, 14.4% of French people lived below this threshold. The poverty rate makes it possible to quantify this situation, but it is criticized by the arbitrary choice of the threshold.

Living conditions

Poverty can also be measured by material and social deprivations, such as the inability to heat oneself or buy new clothes. In 2023, 13% of French people were in a situation of deprivation. This indicator better reflects daily difficulties.

Social minimums

Beneficiaries of social minima, such as the RSA or the AAH, make it possible to quantify poverty. In 2021, 4.3 million French people, or 7.7% of the population, received this aid. This method illustrates the role of social safety nets but may ignore other forms of poverty.

Absolute poverty

Internationally, the World Bank sets extreme poverty at less than $2.15 per day. This indicator, based on basic needs, allows countries to be compared, but it does not reflect the realities of developed countries.

???? To go further: How do we measure poverty? Four methods to estimate it in Franche-Comté




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