where are we? The key figures to understand everything

where are we? The key figures to understand everything
where are we? The key figures to understand everything

© Pcess609

– In , more than 10,000 people live with the AIDS virus without knowing it.

More than forty years after the discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the cause of AIDS, the fight against the disease continues. Every year, December 1st is marked as World AIDS Day. Created by the World Health Organization (WHO), it aims to support people affected by HIV but also to inform and raise awareness about the still-present epidemic.

If today, with the evolution of treatments, it is possible to live normally while being HIV positive, you still need to be screened and follow treatment. Screening is essential, but in 2023, Public Health France estimates that more than 10,000 people live with the virus in France without knowing it, as reported by L'Express. However, the latest figures are encouraging since more than 7.5 million HIV serological tests were carried out last year. This number increased by 25% compared to 2021 and 16% compared to 2022. This increase in screening therefore results in an increase in positive cases detected.

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Free screening without prescription

In 2023, in France, nearly 5,500 people discovered their HIV status. This represents around 300 more people than in 2022 and roughly corresponds to the level of infections detected before Covid-19. Furthermore, compared to the period before Covid-19, people born abroad represent an increasing share of those infected.

More than half of discoveries in 2023 (57%) concerned people born abroad. Among them, it is estimated that 42% were contaminated by HIV after their arrival in France. The share of men who have sex with men among HIV-positive people fell between 2019 and 2023. As a reminder, since January 2022, screening can be carried out without a prescription and free of charge in the laboratory.



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