A wave of racism against mixed marriages?

A wave of racism against mixed marriages?
A wave of racism against mixed marriages?

Internet users have criticized Moroccan women for “preferring to marry a person from sub-Saharan African countries” rather than a man of Moroccan nationality. These activists have posted photos and videos on Facebook of Moroccan women marrying men from sub-Saharan African countries, denouncing a “phenomenon that is spreading in Morocco.”

Women’s rights groups have criticised the campaign, which they consider to be “blatant racism against people from sub-Saharan Africa” ​​and an “attack on the values ​​and rights of Moroccan women” who, like Moroccan men, are free to choose their life partner.

Read: Foreigners married to Moroccan women and nationality: towards equal rights?

In a statement to HespressFatiha Chtatou, lawyer and member of the Federation of the League of Women’s Rights, supported these campaigns launched on social networks against a specific group, sub-Saharans residing in Morocco in this case, “are clearly racist, and their perpetrators must stop these practices which cause moral harm.”

These people from sub-Saharan African countries and legally residing in Morocco “also have the right to marry,” observes the lawyer, who notes an increase in “racism against people from sub-Saharan Africa within Moroccan society.” On the contrary, the marriage of Moroccan women with foreigners “encourages the diversity and cohesion of the rich Moroccan culture,” she assures.



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