Legislative elections in Indre-et-Loire: who supports who?

Legislative elections in Indre-et-Loire: who supports who?
Legislative elections in Indre-et-Loire: who supports who?

Five duels will be contested on Sunday July 7, 2024 in Indre-et-Loire as part of the second round of early legislative elections.

Local political parties and figures are positioning themselves to support their favourite. Or more often to “block” the National Rally. An update on the main supporters of each.

Departmental support

At the departmental level, Reconquest! calls his voters “to block the violent and destructive extreme left. In the second round of the legislative elections, the candidates of the right can count on our support.”

For his part, the Socialist Party from Indre-et-Loire salutes “the decision of Fabienne Colboc, outgoing Renaissance MP, to block the RN by withdrawing her candidacy” and explains that for this second round: “Not one additional vote should go to the extreme right. We call for its candidates to be defeated and for support for the candidates of the New Popular Front who are able to win: Laurent Baumel and Charles Fournier.”

For Charles Fournier on the 1re constituency

Unsurprisingly, the New Popular Front candidate received support from his left. The association It’s the People’s Turn(s) estimate that “Only the dynamics of the New Popular Front make it possible to oppose another aim, social, feminist, ecological, united, of progress in social rights and a new distribution of wealth” and calls for “vote, on July 7, for the candidates of the Popular Front in Indre-et-Loire and in the Centre region”.

For Benoist Pierre on the 1re constituency

The candidate Together for the Republic!, and opposition municipal councilor in Tours, received several endorsements on Tuesday July 2, 2024. Jérôme Tebaldi, delegate of the Republicans party in Tours calls on voters “to block the alliance of environmentalist candidates-La France Insoumise (Fournier-Quinton)supported by the New Popular Front. I will therefore give my Republican vote to the candidate who came in second place, Benoist Pierre.”

Furthermore, Cécile Chevillard, Thibault Coulon and Olivier Lebreton, members of the “With you for Tours” groupan opposition group on the Tours city council, supports “their colleagues Benoist Pierre and Barbara Darnet-Malaquin, the only opponents, […] of the New Popular Front candidate Charles Fournier and from his substitute from La France Insoumise Marie Quinton.

For Daniel Labaronne, in the 2e constituency

The President of the Centre-Val de Loire Region, François Bonneaucalls “to mobilize and vote for Daniel Labaronne in the second round to defeat the extreme right and defend the Republic.”

The Republicans of Indre-et-Loire also support the outgoing MP.

For Laurent Baumel on channel 4e constituency

Thierry Chailloux, mayor of Ballan-Miré, made the decision to “come out of one’s shell”. He calls “to vote in favor of Laurent Baumel, member of the Socialist Party on this 4e constituency that he knows well, having been its MP from 2012 to 2017. He will, I am sure, be at the side of Ballan-Miré, where he was mayor from 2008 to 2014.

The elected official believes that the prospect of a government led by the National Rally “would call into question our republican pact, aggravate the problems of our country and would ultimately be detrimental to our fellow citizens, particularly the most vulnerable among them.”

For Sabine Thillaye on channel 5e constituency

Marina Coccia, candidate of the New Popular Front, came in third place on the evening of the first round. She chose to withdraw « in the face of the gravity of the present moment.”

With his deputy, Melvin Musset, they clearly call “to block the far right at the ballot box by taking control of the only Republican ballot that will be present for this second round. The time has come to defend the values ​​of our Republic. Not a single left-wing vote, not a single Republican voice must be missing for Sabine Thillaye to defeat the National Rally.”



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