Violence against children: “ is hugely behind”

Violence against children: “ is hugely behind”
Violence against children: “France is hugely behind”

DesOf the psychiatrists sell us books to put an end to positive education, restore authority, even train our children… All day long, politicians and the media talk to us about juvenile delinquents, and the government is relaunching the battle against the so-called “theory of gender” at school, when it is a question of making children aware of issues of emotional and sexual life.

In public speeches, there is a lot of talk about children. But the violence they suffer often remains invisible. However, 160,000 children are victims of sexual violence each year, 77% within the family. A commission on incest, the Ciivise, broke this silence. Yet its recommendations have remained largely unimplemented. And there is other violence: abuse, failure to protect minors, sexual exploitation, etc.

What if our society spent more time bringing our children into line, rather than wondering what it is doing to them? What if we were trapped by our adultism which prevents us from thinking about the domination exercised over children?

A program presented by Mathieu Magnaudeix, with:

  • Mathilde Mathieujournalist at Mediapart, responsible for issues related to childhood;
  • Lyes Louffschildren's rights activist, LFI-New Popular Front candidate in the Isère legislative by-election in January 2025;
  • Claire Bourdillefounder of the Collectif Enfantiste.

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