FIRST AFFAIR by Victoria Musiedlak, in theaters from Friday July 5, 2024

FIRST AFFAIR by Victoria Musiedlak, in theaters from Friday July 5, 2024
FIRST AFFAIR by Victoria Musiedlak, in theaters from Friday July 5, 2024

“FIRST AFFAIR”, directed by Victoria Musiedlak, on show from this Friday, July 5, 2024

Axia Films is pleased to announce that the film PREMIÈRE AFFAIRE, by French director Victoria Musiedlak, will be released this Friday, July 5. The film stars Noée Abita (Les passagers de la nuit, Slalom, Genèse) alongside Anders Danielsen Lie (Julie en 12 chapitres), Alexis Neises and François Morel.


A young, newly qualified lawyer, Nora feels like she has experienced nothing when she is thrust into her first criminal case. From her first police custody to the follow-up of the investigation, Nora discovers the cruelty of the world around her, in her private and professional life. Carried away by the frenzy of her new life, she makes many mistakes and comes to question her choices.

Victoria Musiedlak signs with PREMIÈRE AFFAIRE her first feature film. Through the story of a young lawyer who finds herself plunged into a complex criminal case that is about to turn her life upside down, the film offers a reflection on the impact that one’s social function can have on an individual.

Distributed in Canada by AXIA FILMS, PREMIÈRE AFFAIRE will be released on July 5, 2024.




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